Tom Pennifold is a pencil slinger/doodle bug from the UK. He likes illustrating and game design and you have ended up in his own dusty corner of the internet.Here you will find some of his favourite illustrations as well as free PDF rule books for his current games.For all inquiries (including commissions) please contact Tom here: [email protected]

The Kingdoms of Bog is a character driven fantasy tabletop game played with 2 players set in the dark folk lore setting of Bog.There was a time before the Kingdoms of Bog, a time of humans, a time led by greed and avarice. Power was in the hands of a minority, the rich. They built extravagant castles that cast dark shadows over the towns they looked down on, towns full of confused and angry citizens.
The few wealthy that held control found faith in an evil God, a God whose worship spread an intangible plague through the land, one of deception, misdirection, and misappropriation. As faith in this God grew more and more folk turned to her, kneeling before her, praying for the pieces of the puzzles they felt missing from their lives.
That was until one day, known only as the Cataclysm. A day when one of the downtrodden and broken decided to take their sword to this God. And so, they did, beheading the deity in a fatal sword swing. The God exploded with the purest light, decimating what had been built in their name, castles were destroyed, towns lay in ruin and the humans that lived here were no more.
As the years aged on nature began to take its grip back on the world, pushing back and taking claim to what once was. Creatures that had been forgotten by humans for years left their hiding places, the creatures of folklore and fairy tale thriving in a humanless world. Spriggans, Goblins, Boarfolk, Dwarves, Boggarts, Ogres, all coming to see what had been left behind.
As History is want to do, it began to repeat itself. These ancient beings found wealth in what was left over, shiny coins, new homes, the potential power. Warbands formed in the new settlements, fighting over these resources, greed set in.
King Bog, King of Pigs, now sits atop the throne in the Northern settlements, his greed a match for the humans who sat here before him. He rules over the Northern and Southern settlements, but his hold is fragile as others try to take the reins.
Mount Ochi and the Theesy forests surround the Kingdoms and the denizens that exist there fight back the ever-spreading boarders of the Pig King.Put together a warband of mythical beings and fight for your part in the Kingdoms of Bog.

The cataclysm has left a scar.Welcome to a dying world, a world of dust and rust, a world of towering machinery whose purpose is forgotten, a world overrun with gangs, guns, and gore. Those who have left the torments and shadows of the Big City seek infamy and fortune amongst the unforgiving dunes of the Sehmassi Sea, whose once life filled waves now sit stagnant as a festering swamp. Its fight or flight here, but your wings have been clipped. Its do or die, odds are the latter. The bell is tolling the eleventh hour, and if you don’t have a gun in your hand and a sword on your hip then it is tolling for you.The cataclysm has left a scar.Welcome to Old Wounds.Old Wounds is a diesel punk skirmish table-top game set in the outskirts of the Big City, on an earth both similar and unrecognisable from our own.